Tatiana Sotnykova, member of the Piraeus Bank’s Management Board, participated in Creditinfo Global Forum that was held at the end of previous month in Istanbul states the press-office of the Bank.
The overall focus of the conference was “Big Data”, looking at similar challenges faced on a worldwide basis. The conference was divided in 4 core sections: People and Processes; Big Data for Big Decisions; Access to Finance – who to call; Credit Where Credit is Due. The featured speakers expressed ideas, opinions and shared experiences about important issues including new innovations in technology, different economies and how to deal with a financial crisis, cyber security, alternative data including biometrics and fraud prevention.
Tetyana Sotnykova, member of the Management Board, JSC Piraeus Bank ICB, advised, “The Creditinfo Global Forum had informative & interesting presenters, also, it was a great place to meet industry colleagues & share experiences in an informal environment.”
Mr Reynir Grétarsson, owner and CEO of Creditinfo Group emphasized, “A key theme that arose from the 2 day conference was “trust”. Big data is all about people, their behaviors and affinities. Each of the represented organizations at the conference creates a digital identity for individuals, companies and economies. Together, participants considered ways to better understand individuals and companies from their data, principally by building trust. For organizations to obtain the greatest access to data, consumers need to trust that information about them will be safeguarded and only used for the purposes allowed. As more data is gathered, this further positively accelerates access to finance for individuals and small companies and successively facilitates economic growth and a better standard of living for all.”
This year the Forum brought together 175 influential specialists, practitioners and providers within the credit and finance industry from 57 countries.