Piraeus Bank entered the Top-5 banks on deposit portfolio increase of private customer in the I quarter according to the rating Analytical Finance magazine "Dengi", which published in №310, on May 26 – June 8 this year.
This rating confirms that the deposit programs of Piraeus Bank in conjunction with the stability and reliability of institution are the most attractive in the market, and ensured growth of the deposit portfolio. Besides, Piraeus Bank deposits have the highest rating of deposits (score "5") from independent credit agency "Credit Rating".
"We greatly appreciate the trust of our customers and in consideration of the difficult situation in the banking sector this trust is twice greater than before.«Piraeus Bank stability and reliability is confirmed not only by very high capitalization level, international financial group membership and lots of ratings, but also by our clients behavior, who leave their deposits in Piraeus bank, demonstrating full confidence in their money security and 100% of Piraeus Bank obligations fulfillment», — Piraeus Bank ICB commented.
Except Piraeus Bank, the Top— 5 banks included such banks as Taskombank, ProCredit Bank, A-Bank and East Bank.
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