The FinScore Index, developed by You Control, is based on 25 indicators, among which are the NBU norms and financial ratios that fully reflect the state of liquidity, capital adequacy, profitability, lending, investment and currency risks of banks. As the developers of the index point out, the fact that a bank is financially sustainable does not always mean that it has the highest size for assets (borrowed funds, placed and used for profit and maintenance of liquidity), loans and deposits.
One of the criteria for calculating the index is "An access to resources and reliability of the beneficiary", which takes into account, in particular, the possibility of financial support of a bank by its shareholders. The second direction estimates the country of a bank’s final beneficiaries origin, which shows what extent they can help Ukrainian "daughters" in the event of a crisis or other problems to. This is confirmed by the market experience that none of the banks belonging to international European banking groups has become insolvent during a recent financial crisis.
Note: YouControl is an analytical system for business intelligence and verification of counterparties in Ukraine, generates a dossier for each company in Ukraine on the basis of open data, tracks changes in state registries, and visualizes the connections between affiliates.