Today, while clients are managing their funds mainly through remote channels and the number of online payments and cashless transactions are increasing, fraudulent schemes have increased.
Therefore, increased vigilance is required on how to secure yourselves from fraudulent actions by becoming aware on how you should act and which preventive measures should be used.
Consequently, please become acquainted to the most common fraud schemes which are mostly used. By following the herein recommendations allows you to minimize the risk of possible fraudulent transactions using your card.
And remember - "forewarned is forearmed".
It is a possible fraudster if somebody calls or sends sms as a bank’s employee, for example:
• If you receive an sms with information that your card is blocked and you need to call to some phone number – there is a fraudulent mass text messaging. Do not call to the phone numbers indicated in the SMS, the phone will pick up the scam;
• Somebody calls you as being a representative/employee of the bank/NBU, other state bodies or an employee of the security division of the bank (wherein do not refer to the bank), and asks your card number, its date validation, and cvv2 code. Please, note there is a scam;
• Somebody asks you to share the last figures from the back side under magnetic stripe. Please, note there is a scam;
Please, remember, Piraeus Bank sends to its clients just informational and operational sms, such as:
• sms includes information about a transaction with hidden card number, transaction amount, account balance after transaction execution or cancellation reason if it was declined.
• Information sms informs about special offers, cashback amounts on credit card, number of bonuses on debit cards and does not contain any information about cards transactions.
Piraeus Bank’s employees:
• will never ask you about your card details, its expiry date, cvv2 code (3 digit number on the backside of the card), a PIN, 3D secure code.
• will never ask which card is your salary one because the Bank has this information.
• may give you a call about card transaction validity or incorrect PIN enters. In this case a Piraeus Bank’s employee will tell you all corresponding information (transaction time, amount and currency, merchant name, the last 4 digits of a card number, if you have a few cards and a card category).
If you get strange sms or phone call, please call to Contact center : 0 800 30 888 0 (calls within Ukraine are free) or 044 495 88 90 ( for calls from abroad) and inform about this.
Be careful, protect yourself and your savings!